Monday, December 20, 2010

Round up of our Hong Kong experience!

So the first part of our Christmas journey is near to an end.  We are having our last happy hour but I'm sure we will be having lot's more happy hours when we are with our dear friend Suzie in Sydney!
Hong Kong was a wonderful experience, so clean and the people so friendly. We have been very happy with the hotel that we choose and would recommend it to anyone thinking to visit here.  Four clear days were enough to see lots of different things, of course if you wanted to go further out more days would be needed.  Even though there are crowds of people the pace is easy.  Apart from the cold spell on our first day (which is unusual) the weather has been quite comfortable.
Tomorrow is a very early start and a 9 hour flight.  Next posts will be from Sydney Australia!



  1. Sounds like a great place to go to - a lot of savings - but NY is still on our priority list!!

  2. Looks a lovely place to visit no wonder uncle Ernie went more than once. Very nice photo's as well.
    Looking forward to your next part of the trip.

    Paul x

  3. Just check the time difference when you get to Sydney!!!!
    Love you, wish I was on the trip with you!!!!
